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Two companies supporting a transition away from agricultural plastics featured image


Two companies supporting a transition away from agricultural plastics

Picture credit: Géochanvre – Herbi’Chanvre being used for tomato cultivation Helping farmers transition away from using plastics could…

First MINAGRIS workshop series held to discuss solutions to soil plastics featured image


First MINAGRIS workshop series held to discuss solutions to soil plastics

How do you draw farmers and policymakers towards finding sustainable solutions to plastics in soil? Farmers are very…

MINAGRIS-PAPILLONS Stakeholder Forum Workshop: Use and Management of Agricultural Plastics and impacts on soil health featured image


MINAGRIS-PAPILLONS Stakeholder Forum Workshop: Use and Management of Agricultural Plastics and impacts on soil health

his online  event was hosted by the Horizon 2020 projects MINAGRIS and PAPILLONS on the 17th Dec 2024.…

MINAGRIS plenary meeting 2024 featured image


MINAGRIS plenary meeting 2024

The 2024 MINAGRIS plenary meeting in Dijon took place during October 2024. This was an important opportunity for…

MINAGRIS reflects on inconclusive Global Plastics Treaty negotiations featured image


MINAGRIS reflects on inconclusive Global Plastics Treaty negotiations

We have been reflecting on the inconclusive progress made during recent Global Plastics Treaty Negotiations – and thought…

Joint MINAGRIS-PAPILLONS Stakeholder Forum Workshop: Use and Management of Agricultural Plastics and impact on soil health featured image


Joint MINAGRIS-PAPILLONS Stakeholder Forum Workshop: Use and Management of Agricultural Plastics and impact on soil health

17th Dec 2024, 10.00- 12.15 CET (online) Register here: This event is hosted by the Horizon 2020…

MINAGRIS attends EU #SoilMission week in Brussels featured image


MINAGRIS attends EU #SoilMission week in Brussels

We had a great time in Brussels for #MissionSoil week, which took place from 12-14th November 2024.  The soil…

The new UN treaty on plastic pollution: A possible solution to the global plastics problem featured image

The new UN treaty on plastic pollution: A possible solution to the global plastics problem

By the end of this year, we may have international, legally binding rules on how to reduce plastic…
