Partner description
Partner role
Persons involved

PD DI Dr. Heide Spiegel
Senior Scientist at the Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety (AGES), Austria and lectures at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU Vienna) on the subject “Soils and Global Change”. She works on monitoring the effects of different soil management on soil properties related to nutrient (especially nitrogen and phosphorus) and organic matter cycling as well as soil contamination. She is the scientific manager of (long-term) field experiments. She participated in EU research projects (e.g. AQUAGRIS, SLAGFERTILISER, CATCH-C, FATIMA, AgriDemo-F2F, LANDMARK).

Dr. Taru Sandén
received her doctoral degree in Geography from the University of Iceland in 2014, in which she focused on soil aggregates and soil organic matter in European agricultural soils. Currently she works as Senior Expert at the Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety (AGES) and as Lecturer of Food Security at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU). Her work focuses mostly on agricultural long-term experiments and the connection between science and society by engaging stakeholders from the agricultural and school sectors into different kind of research activities. She participated in international (EU) research projects (e.g. SLAGFERTILISER, CATCH-C, FATIMA, AgriDemo-F2F, LANDMARK).

Julia Miloczki, MSc
researcher at the Department for Soil Health at AGES since 2019. She has completed an MSc at Wageningen University (NL) in Biology and Chemistry of Soil. At AGES, she has been working in projects around sustainable agricultural management, climate change effects on soil and engagement of schools and has gained experience in project management.

Lisa Makoschitz, BSc
studied Agricultural Science and Plant Science at at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU). Her Master’s Thesis deals with the subject of soil-mineral nitrogen and productivity of wheat in sustainably intensified agriculture.