Partner description

The Politecnico di Torino was founded in 1859. A long history, which bore out the University as a reference point for education and research in Italy and in Europe, a Research University of international level which attracts students from more than 100 countries and which activates about 800 collaborations per year with industries, public institutions and local organizations. The attention to theoretical and applied research, the knowledge and development of cutting edge technologies, the concreteness and realism concerning the management of a manufacturing process, the care of functionality, the analysis and proposition of solutions to the challenges of the society of today in order to plan a sustainable future are developed at Politecnico. The University hosts over 35000 students and employs around 2000. Involved in the project is the Department of Applied Science and technology.

Partner role

POLITO will be involved in the the WP3 and WP6 and it will be responsible of Task 3.4 mainly in the characterization of MP and NP.

Persons involved

Prof. Alberto Frache – Unit Responsible

Prof. Alberto Frache – Unit Responsible

He is a full professor in Material Science and Technology and carried our his research in the ALL-Polymer Group. He has published >125 articles in international scientific journals (H-index: 35, cited 4118 times). The mainly current research activities are: studies on polymeric nanocomposites; studies on lowering of the environmental impact of polymer materials bioplastics and natural fillers; studies on degradation, biodegradation and recycling of polymers and biopolymers; studies on polymer materials for 3D printing with FDM technology. He was the Scientific responsible of the Research Unit of Politecnico di Torino in different European, national and regional projects.

Dr. Rossella Arrigo – Participant

Dr. Rossella Arrigo – Participant

She is an assistant professor in Materials Science and Technology at Politecnico di Torino (Italy), Department of Applied Science and Technology. She co-authored >60 publications on peer-reviewed international journals (H-index: 18, cited 811 times), 4 book chapters and more than 70 communications to national and international conferences. Her research activity focus on the science and technology of polymeric materials with particular reference to the investigation of the processing-structure-property relationships of polymers and polymer-based complex systems.
