Partner description
Partner role
Persons involved

Professor Julie Ingram
Associate Professor in Sustainable Agri-environmental Systems with >25 years of experience in interdisciplinary research. Her main research interests are concerned with Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation Systems particularly with respect to European agricultural innovation policy development. She is a specialist concerning knowledge exchange within the agricultural community and knowledge processes within the context of sustainable agriculture and natural resource protection, with particular reference to soil. She has published widely in international scientific journals (H-index 18, 1181 citations). She has led WPs for Agridemo F2F, SmartSOIL, VALERIE and SOLINSA projects and has worked on SoilCare and RECARE dissemination and communication and stakeholder engagement WPs.

Dr Charlotte Chivers
Charlotte’s research interests relate to co-design, participatory methods, soil health, water quality, landscape-scale nature recovery, agri-environmental policy, and science communication. She has published 17 peer-reviewed papers and has 10 years of experience in social science-related research. Since joining the CCRI in September 2020, Charlotte has led a Defra-funded ELM test and trial, which co-designed a long-term agreement template for delivering landscape-scale nature recovery. She is also leading the co-design aspects of a citizen-led pilot project for monitoring soil health and water quality, as part of CaSTCo. Charlotte worked on Flourishing Floodplains, developing farmer case studies and is also involved in ongoing Defra-funded research projects, including those evaluating agri-environment schemes. Science communication and stakeholder engagement is another area of expertise. She leads the dissemination and communication work package for EU-funded MINAGRIS, which is exploring the impacts of micro- and nano-plastics on agricultural soil health. Charlotte co-leads the same work package for EU-UKRI funded TERRASAFE, which is working with local communities across Southern Europe and North Africa to co-test innovations for combatting desertification. She is also involved in the dissemination, communication, and policy aspects of SPRINT, another EU-funded project which is investigating the impacts of pesticides on human, animal, and environmental health. She was previously involved in EU-funded SoilCare.

Honor Mackley Ward
Honor’s research specialism is in the interrelationships between the environment and human health. She has experience working with themes in nature connectedness, green social prescribing, health inequalities, and environmental science. She has a broad, practical skillset, specialising in primary qualitative and mixed methods research, science communications and research co-production.