Partner description
Partner role
Persons involved

Prof. Dimitrios Karpouzas
Scientific project coordinator He is a Prof. in Environmental Microbiology and Biotechnology and Head of the Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology, University of Thessaly. He has > 20 years in studying the interactions of soil microbes with organic pollutants. He has published >120 articles in international scientific journals (H-index: 32, cited 2767 times). He has acted as coordinator of several EU projects such as MSCA-IRG ECOMYCORRHIZA, MSCA-IF EMIGRATE, MSCA-IAPP LOVE-TO-HATE and MSCA-ITN ARISTO.
Dr. Sotirios Vasileiadis (M)
Assistant Prof. in Molecular Microbial Ecology and Genomics, Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology, University of Thssaly. He has expertise in bioinformatics and microbial ecology with focus on the determination of the effects of abiotic stressors on soil microbial communities. He has authored 49 publications in peer reviewed journals (Scopus h-index 19, and 1061 citations). He has been a holder of an MSCA-IF fellowship (EMIGRATE) and the HFRI-Greece project INVERT.
Dr Evangelia Papadopoulou
ssistant Prof in Environmental Microbiology, Department of Environmental Sciences, University of Thessaly. She has expertise on the effects of pesticides and nitrification inhibitors on N microbial cycling. She has authored 22 articles in peer-reviewed journals (Scopus h-index 14, citations 395). She has coordinated an HFRI, Greece project and has worked before in EU and national projects
Dr. Panagiotis Karas
Senior Postdoc Fellow with expertise in the environmental fate and biodegradation of organic pollutants and interactions of soil microbes with organic pollutants. He has authored 21 articles in peer-reviewed journals (Scopus h-index 13, citations 396). He has worked in several EU and nationally funded project as a senior postdoc fellow.
MSc Foskea Raevel
PhD candidate both at the Soil Physics and Land Management group of WUR and at the Biochemistry and Biotechnology department of the UTH. Her supervisors are Violette Geissen (SLM, WUR) and Dimitrios Karpouzas (BB, UTH). Her work will focus on the impact of microplastics and other stressors on soil micro-organisms. She has experience with ecotoxicological studies and microplastics extraction and identification from soil and compost.