Partner description
Partner role
Persons involved

Dr Andreas Fliessbach
heading the research area Soil Fertility and Climate in the Soil Sciences Dept of FiBL. He has more than 25 years of experience in soil biology of managed soil ecosystems in Europe and Africa and a publication record of 67 articles in peer reviewed scientific journals (H-Index 28, cited 4995 times). He coordinated complex projects with multiple international partners such as FertilCrop and ORM4Soil.

Dr Joelle Herforth-Rahmé
working in the Department of Crop sciences at FiBL CH since 2014. She is a biologist with a background in plant population genetics and have spent two years in an industrial start-up developing agricultural machinery using NIRS. Her research interests are focused on organic vegetable production, and include inputs, pest management, and variety testing. She conducts research on-farm and is particularly interested into solutions answering farmers’ needs. Joelle is currently coordinating the work package on multi-location variety testing in the H2020 project BRESOV and assisting the coordinator in the H2020 project RELACS.

Anja Vieweger
WP3 coordinator – is leading the group on cultivation techniques of vegetables and herbs in the Department of Crops Sciences at FiBL Switzerland. She has over 15 years’ experience in organic horticultural research; and spent the last 10 years working for the Organic Research Centre in the UK, focusing on farm system health, participatory research, stakeholder engagement and healthy food systems. Anja has formerly coordinated a work package on the development of long-term value chain strategies in the EU H2020 DiverIMPACTS project.

Dr Dominika Kundel
working in the Department of Soil Sciences with a focus on climate change-induced effects on soil biodiversity and crop yields. Dominika is interested in understanding the impacts of various environmental stressors on the soil microbiome in agricultural soils. She has experience with both pot and field trials, classical methods of soil science, soil microbiology and data analysis, including microbiome data.

Sheila Hofer
part of the group on cultivation techniques of vegetables and herbs in the Department of Crop Sciences at FiBL Switzerland. During and after her studies (MSc. in Environment and natural Resources) she gained some years of working experience in different areas like organic pest control, agronomic digitalization, edible insects etc. She is now leading and collaborating in vegetable related projects.