MINAGRIS case study sampling has begun!

Soil sampling for plastic analysis has now begun across our 11 Europe-wide case study sites. This stage of the project took a good deal of planning to ensure that we have minimised the risk of our samples being contaminated with plastic particles shed from our equipment. For example, our microplastic samples are being collected in alternatives to the usual plastic sampling pots; instead, we are collecting them in paper bags, often lined with foil.

We are sampling for macro-, micro- and nano-plastics in fields across our sites. These samples are then being carefully packaged to avoid plastic contamination before being sent to different labs for specialist analysis of their soil type, plastic content and microbiomes.

For further information on our sampling protocol, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. We hope to have sampling completed by October, when we will begin our analysis. In the meantime, enjoy our stream of photos from our sampling campaign!

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