Partner description

Eesti Maaülikool (Estonian University of Life Sciences) is an integrated research, development, education and cultural institution with the objective of contributing to the sustainable development of society and the well-being of people, by providing internationally recognized advanced research, academic teaching and development and innovative services based thereon. University is promoting bioeconomy based on value chain and research and development in the areas connected with the sustainable use of natural resources and development of rural life and rural economics. Eesti Maaülikool provides the possibilities for the acquisition of higher education based on the development of science and technology on all the levels of higher education in agricultural sciences and veterinary medicine, forestry and environmental sciences and in the area of engineering and technology connected therewith.

Role in the project

Eesti Maaülikool is the case study 4 (CSS4) partner in the project. The main role is to provide contact and knowledge exchange with local farmers and stakeholders. Our goal is to investigate micro- and nanoplastics in soil in mixed and vegetable farms and horticulture (mainly strawberry growth).


20 Endla Reintam

Endla Reintam, professor in soil ecology. Have over 20 years of experience in teaching, fundamental and applied research in the area of basic soil science, soil classification, international classification systems, soil degradation and soil physical and chemical properties and their interactions to plant growth.

20 Merrit Shanskiy Merrit Shanskiy, associate professor in soil science. She’s main basic and applied research in soil science is within focus on soil ecology, peat soils, substrates and composting
20 Alar Astover

Alar Astover, professor in soil science. He´s main basic and applied research in soil science is within focus on quality and nutrient cycling in agricultural soils. Main research activities have been related to agronomic fertilization experiments, development of pedotransfer functions and application soil information in decision-making processes.