Do you want to learn more about plastic contamination in soil? We encourage you to check the following projects:
PAPILLONS is the sister project of MINAGRIS. 20 universities and research institutions from 12 countries will jointly investigate the sustainability of plastic use in European agriculture. The focus is on the input of plastic particles and chemical additives into arable land, and their possible ecological and socio-economic effects.
SOPLAS is a multi-disciplinary and intersectoral innovative training network of the European Commission under the Horizon 2020 programme (Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions). SOPLAS covers 14 interlinked PhD projects to train the future generation of experts in the plastic, soil and agriculture nexus.
The Plastic Soup Foundation was founded in February 2011 with the goal to make everyone familiar with the phenomenon of plastic soup and to stop it at its source.
The International Knowledge Hub Against Plastic Pollution is a multidisciplinary community of scientists & experts working to address global plastic pollution. IKHAPP is an open platform that will give a cohesive authoritative voice to researchers and experts working for solutions to plastic pollution.
BIOMAC aims to establish an Open Innovation Test Bed (OITB) Ecosystem capable of upscaling the market-readiness and production of Nanostructured bio-based materials (NBM).
LABPLAS will provide scientific evidence to support the decision making in regulatory efforts and inform consumers within the current legislative initiatives prompted by the EU Plastics Strategy and the Plastics Directive (EU 2019/904) by providing solid scientific evidence and novel technical developments rather than by misperceptions and false myths on plastic properties.”
MICOS is investigating whether and to what extent microplastics are present in the soil, and if they affect soil and plant health. They also investigate whether agricultural soils contain plastic-degrading bacteria or fungi, which are used to break down (micro)plastics