Work package number |
7 |
Lead Beneficiary |
Work package title |
Synthesis of the impact of MNP and other stressors on ESS and overall sustainability analysis |
Participant number |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
Short name of participant |
WU |
UL |
Person/months per participant |
0 |
2 |
2 |
0 |
3 |
0 |
30 |
Participant number |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
Short name of participant |
UoG |
Person/months per participant |
1 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
25 |
0 |
Participant number |
15 |
16 |
17 |
18 |
19 |
20 |
Short name of participant |
WR |
Person/months per participant |
8 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Start month |
12 |
End month |
60 |
Objectives of the work package: The overarching objective of WP7 is to link and evaluate environmental and socio-economic consequences of plastic use to ESS and synergies and trade-offs to overall sustainability (SO4, SO5, SO7, SO9). WP7 aims to: (a) quantify direct impacts from using MNP on ESS within life cycle assessments (T7.1); (b) analyse economic, environmental and social impacts of MNP use and alternative options and determine (when possible value chains) synergies and trade-offs between ESS and sustainability aspects in different European biogeographical regions, socio-economic settings and policy context (Task 7.2); and synthesize the lessons learned from WP2-6 and WP7 assessments regarding consequences of sustainable and unsustainable soil management to ESS and sustainability to provide policy recommendations and practice-oriented decision support (T7.3 and 7.4). |
Task 7.1. Framework for the quantification of direct impacts from MNP and other stressors on soil ESS within a life cycle perspective Task leader: DTU | Participant(s): NVM; FiBL-AT, CDE-UB, FIBL-CH | Timing: M12-48 We will adapt and extend available state-of-the-art assessment approaches to (a) associate ESS with life cycle emissions, (b) overcome incomplete cause-effect chains related to soil ecosystems, and (c) consider all relevant impacts from MNP emissions into soil. DTU will consistently link indicators defined in WPs 2-6 for relating MNP pollution with effects on soil chemistry, physics and biodiversity to soil ESS. As input (via the Task 2.4 database), we will use impact results from (i) WP4 of MNP effects on soil microorganisms and fauna, and (ii) WP5 of MNP effects on soil physics, chemistry and plant productivity and physiology (inputs delivered by NVM, FiBL-AT, CDE-UB, FIBL-CH). T7.1 result will be integrated along with T7.2 and 7.3 results into the farm-level decision support tool developed in T7.4. |
Task 7.2 Analysis of MNP and other stressors impacts, synergies and trade-offs related to ESS and overall sustainability Task leader: FiBL-AT | Participant(s): DTU, CDE-UB, NVM, all CSS partners | Timing: M3-M54 Task 7.2 will develop and operationalise a framework for evaluating biophysical, economic and social MNP impacts on ESS and sustainability at field, farm and society level following a multi-criteria assessment with a CSS adapted FiBL LCA farm model at its core. DTU will provide related input from T7.1 to improve toxicity parameters, while FiBL-AT, DTU, CDE-UB and NVM will consistently integrate further indicators (e.g. GHG emissions, working time, fixed and variable costs). The indicator set will be further discussed in an expert workshop including MAP and MAAB members. In collaboration with T2.3, questionnaire templates are developed, tested and integrated in the monitoring plan and iteratively refined if necessary. Farm data will be collected by all CSS partners for CSS farms in an online survey (T3.2), and provided after quality checks (FiBL-AT, DTU), also via the database hosted by CDEUB (T2.4). FiBL, CDE-UB and DTU will train CSS partners on WP7 data requirements. FiBL, DTU, CDE-UB, NVM will analyse impacts to ESS and sustainability trade-offs, identifying synergies of MNP in agriculture and alternative management options. A validation workshop will be organized by FiBL-AT to enable critical reflection, ensure effective group learning, and provide a synthesis a sound basis for T7.3 and T7.4. |
Task 7.3 Development of farm-level decision support tool and best available techniques reference document for evaluating MNP and other stressors impacts Task leader: NVM | Participant(s): DTU, FiBL-AT, UoG, all CSS partners | Timing: M24-M60 Subtask 7.3.1. Farm-level decision support tool (DST, lead: DTU): It aims at developing a decision support tool (DST) for farmers and farm associated stakeholders to evaluate farm-level MNP impacts on productivity, ESS and sustainability performance. The main framework will be developed by DTU, using indicators developed in T7.1 and 7.2, and building on existing tools, and requirements for farm-level decision support (when possible also addressing the value chains level). FiBL-AT will visualize socio-economic aspects. A prototype of the DST is tested by CSS partners in different European biogeographical regions. In collaboration with WP8, background information for farm-level decisions and links to other advisory services will be explored. EQY will develop an online handbook that accounts for different decision contexts and highlights alternative options for farmers. The DST will strengthen capacity building of farmers and farm advisors on ESS and sustainability for MNP use. Subtask 7.3.2. Best available techniques REFerence document (BREF) for plastic use in agriculture (lead: NVM): BREF will provide evidence-based scientific support to decision-making processes for the use of plastic in agriculture for a wider audience, but especially for industry and technical advisors. It will provide practical guidance and recommendations on techniques for the reduction of MNP emissions to soil and other ecosystems. The BREF may help Technical as well as Standardization Working Groups to derive technical conclusions. |
Task 7.4 Evidence-based scientific support synthesis for policy-making processes Task leader: FiBL-AT | Participant(s): DTU, NVM, FiBL-CH, WR, UoG, CDEUB, CSS partners | Timing: M12-M60 Task 7.4 provides science-based support for the EU policy-making process. It aims to synthesize and integrate results of MINAGRIS WPs 2-8 and T7.1 and T7.2 to draw general recommendations for regulatory and legal frameworks relating to the use of plastics in agriculture. In a first step, FiBL, DTU, NVM and CSS partners will thoroughly review current national and EU policies with relevance for MNP use and alternative technologies. In collaboration with T3.2, participants and CSS partners will assess drivers and barriers of unsustainable and sustainable soil management, respectively, for different biogeographical regions, socio-economic and political contexts. Interviews with farmers and beyond (CSS farms and online survey, MAP, MAAB), will help to collect evidence on how and why sustainable soil management is addressed by the farm or not. In collaboration with UOG, CDE-UB, FiBL-CH, UCSC and NVM an online workshop with HLMAN (T2.1) will be carried out with the aim to inform on ESS and sustainability results and draft recommendations to receive feedback. |
Deliverable 7.1: Framework for quantifying impacts of MNP use on ESS [M36, DTU, R, PU] Deliverable 7.2: Synthesis report on ESS and sustainability impacts and trade-offs [M54, FiBL-AT, R, PU] Deliverable 7.3: BREF document for the use of plastic in agriculture (submitted) [M58, NVM, R, PU] Deliverable 7.4: Report-recommendations for policymakers in EU agriculture [M60, FiBL-AT, R, PU] |