Objectives of the work package: The main aim of WP2 is to coordinate stakeholder activities and establish a harmonized monitoring plan across 11 CSS in Europe. WP2 will ensure exchange between CSS and related stakeholder groups across all WPs (SO3). This includes the establishment of MAPs in each CSS (T2.2). WP2 will coordinate monitoring activities, interviews from WP3, and workshops to assess the environmental and socio-economic dimensions. The MAPs will cover different levels of decision-making, from closely engaged groups of local interest (involve, collaborate, educate) to higher administrative authorities at the national and European levels (inform, consult). WP2 will also produce guidelines for monitoring activities, interviews, and workshops: these will be compiled into one document, the monitoring plan (T2.3). This will be harmonized for all CSSs to provide a comprehensive, coherent framework suited to assess the impacts of MNP on overall sustainability of European farming (SO2). A database will be created (T2.4) to store the data and enable its evaluation for different purposes (WP4–WP8).
Task 2.1: Construction of a High-level multi-actor (HLMAN) networks on plastics in agriculture Lead partner: UoG | Participants: UBERN-CDEUB, FiBL-CH, UCSC, NVM | Timing: M1-M3 Task 2.1 will focus on the establishment of a HLMAN of representatives from the European plastic and horticultural industries (and their associations), farming and advisory communities, policy-makers, EU-level regulatory bodies (e.g. EFSA), standardization bodies (ISO, OECD), and civil society organizations, as well as EU platforms (e.g. EIP-AGRI, Copa Cogeca). The HLMAN will be active throughout the project, to both inform and be informed on project activities and help disseminate findings (channels, opportunities for exploitation, WP8). Importantly, the HLMAN will provide knowledge on relevant policy perspectives, which will be key to effectively implement T8.4 and T8.5. The HLMAN will meet online every 6 months, facilitated by WP8. Stakeholders from the HLMAN will be selected to participate in various project activities, where they will provide objective advice, optimize the project’s effectiveness and impact, and act as a sounding board for the consortium. WP2 will ensure that HLMAN stakeholders interact with the MAPs established at CSS level (T2.2), for example by inviting representatives to dialogue events in the CSSs.
Task 2.2: Establishment and operation of Multi-Actor Platforms (MAPs) in CSS Task leader: UBERN-CDEUB | Participants: UoG, FiBL-CH, UL, CHQ, UBERN-GIUB, FiBL-AT, NVM, WU, CAMPO, EMU Timing: M1-M60
Task 2.3: Monitoring plan for CSS WP2 will coordinate and harmonize stakeholder activities in the CSS. It will facilitate the establishment of a MAP in each CSS and provide communication guidance to encourage active stakeholder involvement throughout the project. For each activity (e.g. interviews, workshops) addressing a given task at CSS level, the CSS MAP will identify and involve relevant stakeholders from the different levels of MA networks (HLMAN, MAAB) along with local and national stakeholders ranging from land users and farmer associations to other interest groups (e.g. environmental NGOs, consumer organizations, etc.), regional authorities and policymakers. For this purpose, a stakeholder analysis/mapping, including stakeholders related to the emission of plastics into the environment, and those affected will be established at the outset of the project (see Table 3 and Annex 2 summarizing CSS activities). Involvement will range from close collaboration to consultation, and a detailed protocol (T2.3) mapping the expected stakeholders’ contributions to each WP will help to avoid overlaps and stakeholder fatigue and instead ensure stakeholders’ buy-in, active engagement, and learning. The MAPs will enable stakeholders to co-produce results in each CSS in workshops by establishing a shared understanding of potentially conflicting visions and fears, communicating their needs, feedback, and expectations and collaborating with the scientific team to refine research questions so as to meet the main project objective. WP2 will organize training events for CSS leaders regarding monitoring activities, interviews, workshops, soil quality and site characterization, with active involvement of the relevant WP leaders and experts dealing with MNP pollution, sampling, and laboratory analysis. WP and CSS Leaders will collaborate to define the stakeholders involved in the CSS activities related to data collection, baseline and site characterization (WP3), experimentation (WP4-W6), overall sustainability and ESS analysis (WP7) and dissemination and policy issues (WP8). In line with the project’s participatory approach, stakeholders will communicate their needs, feedbacks and expectations and collaborate with the scientific team to refine research questions.
Task leader: CDEUB | Participant(s): GIUB, UoG, FiBL-AT, UL, WU, AGES, NVM | Timing: M1-M8 This task will produce guidelines for comprehensive and standardized assessment of the environmental status and socio-economic dimension at all CSSs. The plan will specify what will be monitored, with which methods and indicators, how often (including replicates), at which scale, and by whom. Task 2.3 will compile standardized methods to assess baseline and a minimum data set to assess soil quality (chemical, physical, and biological properties) and site characteristics, as well as soil biodiversity. In addition, Task 2.3 will provide the necessary information on the plastics to be used for field and lab experiments (e.g. type, amount, concentration, supplier) in collaboration with plastic experts within and beyond the MINAGRIS project. Baseline indicators will be selected from the WOCAT questionnaire as well as the iSQAPER, LANDMARK, and SoilCare H2020 projects. The outlined methods will enable the assessment of the environment’s vulnerability to plastic pollution, as well as the sources, flows, and distribution of plastics (provided by WP3 and included in the monitoring plan), and facilitate the comparison between all sites of different pedoclimatic conditions to ensure representativeness at a larger scale. The monitoring plan will be used for all activities regarding the assessment of environmental and socio-economic dimensions (WP3-7). The monitoring plan will also provide guidelines and tools to involve and engage stakeholders in the activities occurring at the CSS level during all steps of the project according to the participatory approach based on MAPs defined in T2.1. Using the monitoring plan, soil quality and site characteristics will be assessed together with the relevant stakeholders to ensure the applicability of project outcomes. The results will serve to evidence activities’ impact, enabling dialogue with policymakers (WP8).
Task 2.4: Data management, data storage and evaluation Task leader: CDEUB | Participant(s): UoG, FiBL-AT, UL, UTH, GIUB, WU, NVMT | Timing: M1-M60 To ensure proper data management during the whole project, CDEUB and WU will write a Data Management Plan (DMP, D2.1) presenting rules and policies for data management. A database will be developed to store data collected in the field and laboratory experiments in a standardized and accessible format consistent with the GDPR. The database will be fed by different WP activities (WP3–WP7). The timing of data entry, validation, and quality control will be agreed with all partners. All monitoring data will be stored in a consistent and uniform database, enabling comparison between the different CSSs. The database will be composed of minimum four types of data matrix: i) basic CSS characterization by CSS leaders; ii) data obtained from WP3 on MNP use, iii) experimental (lab to field) data obtained from WP4-WP6, and iv) interviews data obtained in WP3 and WP7 (all GDPR measures will be undertaken to prevent release of personal data). The database will be accessible to all project partners through the intranet portal (T8.1) and it will be used to evaluate the impacts of MNP on overall sustainability and ESS by WP7.
Deliverable 2.1: Data Management Plan [M3, WU, PU] Deliverable 2.2: MAPs structure: identification of stakeholders to be included in the activities at the CSS [[M7, UBERN-CDEUB, OTHER, CO] Deliverable 2.3: Monitoring plan (including guidelines for CSS characterisation and stakeholder’s involvement via the MAPs) [M8, UBERN-CDEUB, R, PU] Deliverable 2.4: Database of the collected field, laboratory and interview data and evaluation date [M48, UBERN-CDEUB, OTHER, CO]