12-CHQ Technologies P.C. (CHQ)

Partner description

CHQ Technologies P.C. is a start-up/spin off company of the Technical University of Crete (TU-Crete), established in December 2019 in Chania, Greece. The key scientists and partners are Prof Nicolas Kalogerakis, Dr Evdokia Syranidou and Dr Eleftheria Antoniou, all from the Laboratory of Biochemical Engineering and Environmental Biotechnology of the School of Environmental Engineering at TU-Crete. As a TU-Crete spin off company, CHQ Technologies PC has access to the facilities and analytical equipment available in the School of Environmental Engineering at TU-Crete. The leading team has long research experience on all aspects of bioremediation and phytoremediation, wastewater treatment, combating pollution in the marine and terrestrial environment including agricultural soils. The focus is on biotechnological means to mitigate environmental pollution and to develop processes that address user’s needs following the guidelines for a circular economy. CHQ focuses on the bioremediation of polluted marine and terrestrial environment especially due to hydrocarbons and plastics in a circular perspective. Development and optimization of sustainable as well as innovative (bio)technologies are the main pillars.

Partner role

CHQ will be responsible for the field studies in the island of Crete. CHQ will also participate in biodegradation experiments of WP6.

Persons involved

Prof Nicolas Kalogerakis (M)

Prof Nicolas Kalogerakis (M)

has extensive research management experience in three H2020 projects, three FP7, six FP5 and FP6, four LIFE ENV projects, two EEA grants and many National research projects including research contracts from the Industry. He has extensive experience in design and analysis of environmental processes, bioremediation in the marine environment, ex-situ bioremediation, wastewater treatment and in mathematical modelling. Prof Kalogerakis has a strong publication record that includes 6 patents, one book, 225 papers in refereed journals, more than 188 presentations at international conferences (H-index 51, 9089 citations). He has organized the European Bioremediation Conferences (EBC-I to VII) over the past 17 years – the premier bioremediation conferences series in Europe.

Dr Evdokia Syranidou (F)

Dr Evdokia Syranidou (F)

Post-doctoral scientist (I.K.Y.) at the School of Environmental Engineering, in Technical University of Crete (TUC). She is a biologist (AUTh) with an MSc in Environmental Biology (Univ. of Crete) and PhD in Environmental Engineering/Environmental Biology (TUC & U Hasselt). Her research interests focus on monitoring the pathway of plastics in marine environment and on restoration of the marine environment from plastics (biodegradation of polymers using microbial communities). ES is also working on biodegradation of organics in the terrestrial environment and the role of endophytic bacteria in phytoremediation. She has significant experience in molecular biology techniques (H-index 8, 220 citations).

Dr Eleftheria Antoniou (F)

Dr Eleftheria Antoniou (F)

(HFRI postdoctoral researcher) is a chemical engineer with experience in emulation of deep-sea conditions ex-situ and has extensive experience in bioremediation of hydrocarbons in surface and deep waters, as well as high-pressure experimentation set up with or without dispersant application, biosurfactant production and purification and analytical chemistry techniques (GC-MS, TLC, FT-IR, LC-MS). EA received her Diploma in Chemical Engineering from National Technical University of Athens, Greece, in 2001 and MEng and PhD in Chemical Engineering from The State University of New York at Buffalo (SUNY) in 2008 (H-index 7, 263 citations).
