MINAGRIS-PAPILLONS Stakeholder Forum Workshop

Register here: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwvcuCtpjMsHtQRmCyYpz3l_igkQvg0Tq4J

This event is hosted by the Horizon 2020 projects MINAGRIS and PAPILLONS.

This workshop is for high level stakeholders and experts working at European or international levels on any aspect of agricultural plastics that impact the soil and soil ecosystems (plastic production, plastic alternatives, recycling, agricultural production, policy, campaigns).

The workshop aims to provide updates on recent developments on the United Nations Environment Programme’s (UNEP) negotiations for a global plastics treaty and on project progress.

The programme will include:

A keynote talk from Marie-France Dignac, INRAE and Steering committee member of the Scientists’ Coalition for an Effective Plastics Treaty: Progress of the UNEP plastics treaty and on the role of scientists in the negotiation and implementation process

Presentations of project findings and request for contributions to the development of:

  • Developing EU Best Available Techniques Reference Document (BREF) guidelines for industry- Sara Guerrini, Novamont, Italy
  • Policy review – Ildiko Heim, FIBL, Austria
  • Developing a Decision Support Tool for agri-plastic use – Amila Abeynayaka, Technical University of Denmark

This is a great opportunity for you to hear about the projects’ findings to date and share your expertise and views.

MINAGRIS and PAPILLONS are two multi-actor projects supported by the H2020 work programme to assess the ecological risks of pollution associated with agricultural plastics (AP). The two projects will establish an inventory of the uses of AP in Europe, explore the effects of AP on soil quality (soil biota, soil structure), and study fate, fragmentation, microbial colonisation and decay of AP in soil. They will conduct a sustainability performance assessment of AP use in comparison to alternative techniques, as well as carry out large scale dissemination of results and involvement of end-users.

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MICRO 2024

MICRO 2024

Join MICRO 2024 to connect with leading researchers and policymakers tackling the pressing issue of plastic pollution, from macro to nano. This event will focus on microplastics, exploring innovative solutions and fostering collaboration across the global community.

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