Micro-plastics and Human Health: an Explainer.

Micro-plastics and Human Health: an Explainer.

Photo credit: Canva There is an increasing body of evidence demonstrating that plastics are now ubiquitous across the biosphere, with micro-plastics now detectable in even the remotest of environments. Micro-plastics are present in deep oceans, polar ice-caps, and...
Use of Plastic and its Impacts in Organic Agriculture

Use of Plastic and its Impacts in Organic Agriculture

MINAGRIS partners have hosted a participatory workshop at the scientific conference for organic agriculture farmers, land managers and the scientific community. Partners involved are working on the assessment of plastic use across Europe and resulting microplastic...
Plastic use in agriculture

Plastic use in agriculture

MINAGRIS, over the next 5 years, will explore the impacts of plastic debris on agricultural soil health. This blog explains what plastics are, the extent to which they are used in agriculture across Europe, and the potential environmental health threats posed by...
Micro-plastics and Human Health: an Explainer.

Micro-plastics and Human Health: an Explainer.

There is an increasing body of evidence demonstrating that plastics are now ubiquitous across the biosphere, with micro-plastics now detectable in even the remotest of environments. Micro-plastics are present in deep oceans, polar ice-caps, and agricultural soils...