Effects of plastic on olive trees and vegetables in Greece

Responsible partner: CHQ Technologies Contact person: Evi Syranidou, evi@chqtechnologies.gr Nikolas Kalogerakis, nicolas.kalogerakis@enveng.tuc.gr Katerina Karkanorachaki, karkanorachaki@gmail.com Biogeographical type: Mediterranean Area description, history and existing data: Northern and central part of Chania Prefecture. The area is characterized by moderate mediterranean climate, with a mean temperature of 17.2°C and mean annual precipitation of 853 mm.

Main objectives : To assess the concentration, type and impact of microplastics in soils due to greenhouse cover and collection nets in olives and vegetable crops from Greece.

Farm # Main crop per field (Cropping system category) Soil texture Plastic use history (intentional) Secondary sources of plastic Other potential contaminants
1. Farm(C)Olive treesLoamy sandOlive beating equipment, netsWater bottles, food packaging
2. Farm(C)Olive treesLoamy SandOlive beating equipment, netsRoad, water bottles, food packaging
3. Farm(C)Olive treesLoamy sandOlive beating equipment, netsWater bottles, food packaging
4. Farm(w)Olive treesSandy LoamOlive beating equipment, nets, irrigation pipesRoad, water bottles, food packaging
5. Farm(C)Olive treesLoamy sandOlive beating equipment, nets, irrigation pipesWater bottles, food packaging
6. Farm(C)tomato / onion chicorySandy loamirrigation pipes, ties, sticksRoad, water bottles, food packaging
7. Farm(C)tomato / onion chicorySandy loamirrigation pipes, ties, sticksRoad, water bottles, food packaging
8. Farm(C)tomato - cucumberSandy clay loamplastic cover, solar disinfection mulch, irrigation pipes, ties, sticksWater bottles, food packaging
9. Farm(C)tomato - cucumberSandy loamplastic cover, solar disinfection mulch, irrigation pipes, ties, sticksWater bottles, food packaging
10. Farm(C)tomato- cucumberpeppersSandy loamplastic cover, solar disinfection mulch, irrigation pipes, ties, sticksWater bottles, food packaging

C: conventionnal– O: organic– T: transition from conventional to organic

Involved stakeholders: Farmers, farmer's assosications, agronomists, plastics producers (Plastika Kritis S.A., Plastika Farsalon– Europlast S.A.), research insitutes

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