Agricultural plastic use in the Alpine Foothills, Austria

Responsible partner: Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety (AGES) Contact persons: Heide Spiegel, Taru Sandén, Biogeographical type: Continental Area description, history and existing data: mean annual precipitation: 753 mm mean annual temperature: 8.5°C mixed farming systems (arable and husbandry)

Farm # Main crop per field (Cropping system category) Soil texture Plastic use history (intentional) Secondary sources of plastic Other potential contaminants
2. (Org)1. strawberries (v + c)
2. strawberries (v + c)
sandy loamMulch foilOrganic fertilizerNo
3. (Conv)1. diverse (v + c)loamy siltfield 1: Biodegradable mulch foil (2019)Nopesticides
4. (Conv)1. cabbage (v)
2. lettuce (v)
loamy sandFleece (removed), crop protection netOrganic fertilizerpesticides
5. (Org)1. diverse (v)
2. diverse (v)
loamy sandBiodegradable mulch oilOrganic fertilizer (compost)No
6. (Org)1. diverse(v)
2. diverse (v)
loamy siltBiodegradable mulch foil, crop protection netOrganic fertilizerIndustrial facility nearby
7. (Org)1. diverse(c)
2. diverse (c)
loamy sandnonenostreet
8. (Org)1. wheat (c)
2. triticale (c)
loamy sand/siltnoneTwine residues, org. fertilizer (manure)no
9. (Conv)1. diverse (c)
2. diverse (c)
sandy silt/loamy sandnoneOrganic fertilizerpesticides
10. (Conv)1. wheat (c)
2. wheat (c)
loamy siltnonefield 2: org. fertilizer (compost)pesticides
11. (Conv)1. barley (c)
2. barley (c)
sandy loamnonefield 2: organic fertilizerpesticides

Management: Conv conventionnal ; Org: organic ; Trans: transition from conventional to organic Cropping system category: C: Cereals dominated ; V: Vegetables dominated ; W: Woody plants

Stakeholders: Bündnis Mikroplastikfrei

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