Agricultural plastic use in North-East France

Responsible partner: UMR Agroécologie, INRAE Bourgogne Franche-Comté Contact person: Fabrice Martin-Laurent ( Aymé Spor ( ) Clémence Thiour-Mauprivez ( Myriel Cooper ( Biogeographical type: humid semi-continental

Farm # Main crop per field (Cropping system category) Soil texture Plastic use history (intentional) Secondary sources of plastic Other potential contaminants
1. ( Org )1. Vines (W)
2. Vines (W)
silty clay loamtying strings, staplesnoUnknown
2. ( Org )1. Vines (W)
2. Vines (W)
clay loamfence hooks + complantation capsnounknown
3. ( Org )1. Vines (W)
2. Vines (W)
claybiodegradable staples and hazard tapenounknown
4. ( Org )1. Vines (W)
2. Vines (W)
clay loamprotective draining tubes, plastic staples, flagging tapenounknown
5. ( Org )1. Vines (W)
2. Vines (W)
loamfertilizers, transplants, various plastic wrapping (bottles packs), pesticides bottlesnounknown
6. ( Org )1. Vines (W)
2. Vines (W)
clay loamprotective wrapping, fastening clips, tires, flagging tapenoloam
7. ( Org )1. Vines (W)
2. Vines (W)
clayprotective caps, plastic staplesnounknown
8. ( Org )1. Cabbage (V)
2. Carrot (V)
silty clay loamplastic mulchnono
9. ( Org )1. Zucchinis (V)
2. Fennel (V)
sandygreenhouse, irrigation, packaging, plastic mulchnono
10. ( Org )1. Vines (W)
2. Not planted yet (W)
clay loambefore 2000, composted municipal waste (sludge)nounknown

Management: Conv conventionnal ; Org: organic ; Trans: transition from conventional to organic Cropping system category: C: Cereals dominated ; V: Vegetables dominated ; W: Woody plants

Stakeholders: Plastic producers, producers of alternative to plastics, representative of farmer’s association

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