Minagris kick-off meeting: September 2021

Minagris kick-off meeting: September 2021

Our kick-off meeting took place in The Netherlands as a hybrid event between 20-23rd September 2021. Each work package presented their overall objectives for the project and we discussed how we will develop our experimental methodologies. 
Plastic use in agriculture

Plastic use in agriculture

 MINAGRIS, over the next 5 years, will explore the impacts of plastic debris on agricultural soil health. This blog explains what plastics are, the extent to which they are used in agriculture across Europe, and the potential environmental health threats posed by...

MINAGRIS at the plastic health summit 2021

How do microplastics affect food safety? In this video, MINAGRS partner Dr Huerta Lwanga of Wageningen University and Research discusses the issue of plastic use in agriculture (fertilizer, compost, mulch, sludge etc.). Microplastics in soil affect soil life and crop...